A Girls Meeting on September

A meeting of girls between the age of 18 and 35 years at
Franciscan Bethany, Badajoz, Spain on
23rd – 27th September this year (2019)
Registration to be done before 15.09.2019 (Whats up phone 644 891 991
badajozclarisas@gmail.com or registration click here)

We are a community of women who have searched and found who makes them (us) completely happy: Christ, the true answer of all questions of men and their destiny.
Our community is international. There are sisters of different parts of Spain, Peru, Colombia, Poland and Kenya. We are all united by the same vocation of following Christ and all of us we walk together looking for the communion and identification with Jesus Christ.

As sisters of Saint Clare we belong to great fraciscan family and we are a fraternity that prolongs the charisma given by the Lord to Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi in the 13th Century. Our life revolves around four priorities: prayer, fraternity, poverty and mission. Silence, loneliness, enclosure are some mediations that they help us to live this life project contemplative that testifies that God is enough for everything and that, at the same time announces the future life.